Created in 2003, the Burkina Faso Infectious Disease Assistance Association, short for "ADAPMI BF" was set up by the initiative of a group of people, whose main concern is to contribute and provide active and frank assistance to people with infectious diseases in Burkina Faso. Thus, following a constituent General Assembly, the association was focused on the baptismal funds on 06 November 2003 by Decree No. 2003-137/MATD/SG/DGLPAP/DOASSOC. ADAPMI has been operating in France since 20 May 2015 and is recognised by the LIMOGES authorities under the DDCSPP of Upper Vienna. The last General Assembly of 17 September 2016 allowed the association to renew its proceedings and obtain a receipt under the No.00000047701 as of 11/01/2017.